Saturday, July 20, 2013

Action Research: The Beginning

We have all heard the dreaded term…RESEARCH. It has haunted us since grade school, filling our minds with nightmares of index cards covered with scribbles, stacks of books, and endless papers. Needless to say, coming into this project, I was a little apprehensive. Luckily though, the more I read, the more my mind is at ease. Action research is not “long hours in the library or crunching numbers” (Dana, 2009, p.6), it is a process of positive change. Administrative inquiry requires a school leader to reflect on their performance, and identify areas of concern. After these areas have been identified, a plan is made. Research and experiences are compiled to create a functioning plan, in an attempt to improve these areas. Educators then use their findings to either try another plan, or to use and share the change that works. How awesome is that? Real educators, real problems, real answers, and real change….What’s not to love? Action research is such a powerful tool. It helps the entire school keep up with the ever changing world of education. I am excited to continue my exploration of action research, and to conduct my own action research project on my campus to improve my school and my teaching.

Dana, N.F. (2009). Leading with passion and knowledge: The principal as action researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.


  1. Allyson, I agree!!!! The word research has been tainted!!! Good thing action research turned out to be better than what we both originally thought!

  2. I have been really nervous about this class as well! I am however looking forward to see where I research takes me. What have you decided to do your research on? I am hoping to do mine on what effects (if any) playing music in the background has on test scores. Looking forward to following you as we do our journey together!!

  3. Allyson, I learned so much by reading your blogs. Yours so happened to be the very first I've ever read in my life. It's all very new to me and I think my writing style is, shall we say rigid and your voice and thoughts really came through.
    I heard your excitement about action research. I didn't even know I was doing this when I taught Reading Recovery for years. It's absolutely revolutionary to get teachers to become their own inquiry researchers. It changed my life and it will change the teaching on your campus in such a positive way.
    I'm looking forward to following your blogs throughout this process. I need some modeling!

  4. Mary, I am doing my research on a new school wide dismissal system, and how/if it effects stress levels of students and teachers.

    Lisa, thanks so much for the compliments. Glad you enjoyed my thoughts! : )

  5. Also Lisa, what is the URL to your blog?

  6. I too am relieved that this is not the type of research we grew up doing. Action research to me is more of a process of doing. The process is specific to your problems, with your solutions that meet your needs.
