Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The BIG Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal: Reduce stress levels of students and teachers by implementing a structured school wide dismissal process
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Design an organized dismissal system

Start: August 1, 2013
End: August 18, 2013
Schedule, School Map, Number of Students/Classes, Faculty Roster
Administrator Approval

Survey participating teachers on their opinions and reflections of previous system

August 19, 2013
-Survey Monkey
-Survey Participants (sample)
-Teacher Responses
-Discipline Records

Introduce and model new dismissal system to faculty, by clearly laying out expectations and policies

August 20, 2012
Standard Operating Procedures Staff Development Day
-Written expectations of plan
-Detailed map of school and dismissal route
-Prepared presentation
-Teacher Feedback

Survey participating teachers and Students on their opinions of the new dismissal system. Whether or not it is effective and if stress levels have been reduced.

-Sample Audience (students/teachers)
-End of 1st Six weeks
-End of Semester
-End of school Year 2013-2014
-Survey Monkey
-Brief meeting/discussion with sample audience

-Teacher Responses
-Discipline Records
Research different studies on the correlation between end of the day stress to the next morning’s atmosphere
2013-2014 School Year
-Internet Access
Final Evaluative Meeting with School Administrators
May 2014
-Evidence of Change


  1. This is good, I like the idea of an organized dismissal, to reduce the stress level of students and faculty. I have not looked hard at the report in the resource section of the class, but does this have enough information to complete it? Just thinking.

  2. I love seeing your idea come full circle into this ARP! Great job! I would try to identify some scholarly writings relevant to your project early on in the process. (I assume we'll need them when we publish our findings in 5397.) It might make your life easier in the long run! Just an idea. :-)

  3. Thanks for the suggestions! I do plan on including writings on different related topics that helped to build our plan, and the purpose of this project. I will definitely review the final template to make sure I will have enough! : )

  4. Allyson this is a great topic to research. I enjoy your design on having the opinions of the staff and looking at better ways to reduce the stress level. It is a great goal to have a well structured dismissal so that no issues arise. I look forward to your findings. Please follow and comment on my blog;

  5. I think this is a very good topic you have selected. My wife worked at an elementary campus with over 900 students! She said that it was like "Munchkin Land" afterschool. Children would run throughout the building and around the campus. This is a plan that her school principal needs to take a look at. Best wishes on your research project.

  6. I like your Action Research Plan. Research is nothing if it doesn't include the big picture. Interesting research topic. Very colorful blog.

  7. Beginning and ending of day procedures are book ends of the children's experience at school and hopefully both are positive experiences. There's nothing worse than chaos with children running and teachers yelling while they're on their way home to possibly another stressfull experience. Once you get this in place, you can have teachers in the hallways to monitor and say things like "I hope you had a great day" or "I hope you get that birthday present" instead of commands to regulate behavior.
    Good luck!

  8. Munchkin land is a great description. After school dismissal can be stressful and unorganized. And when you consider the fact that you're responsible for up to 900 small lives and getting them safely home, it's down right daunting! I love the idea of researching the process, with your added flavor of working to keep it less stressful. I'm looking forward to following your blog as your research takes off. Good luck moving forward!
